Welfare Reform-Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act (H. R. 3734)-Title 7 and 8-Child Nutrition and Food Stamps-Staff, 1995-1996
Scope and Contents
Congressman Fawell served on the Education and Labor Committee for the entirety of his years as a member of Congress. (The committee was officially titled the Committee on Education and Labor from 1985-1994, named the Committee on Economic and Educational Opportunities from 1995-1996 and then the Committee on Education and the Workforce from 1997-1998, but for ease of use was referred to as the Education and Labor Committee.) Major topics represented in the Education and Labor Committee: Education Files include child nutrition programs; Elementary and Secondary Education Act; Goals 2000: Educate America Act; Higher Education Act amendments; Individuals with Disabilities Education Act reauthorization; Job Training Partnership Act; Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act; school choice; student loan programs; Vocational Education Act amendments; and welfare system reform. The files contain memoranda and notes; newspaper and journal articles; analysis and reactions; bill and committee reports; "Dear Colleague" letters sent to and received from other members of Congress; and hearing testimonies. Some files are separated by topic, while others are separated by the type of records. For researcher ease, the bill numbers assigned at the time of filing are included in parentheses following the title of the bill in the container list. Materials which pertained to both education and labor topics or the committee in general were separated into a small series of records titled "RG 4-Education and Labor Committee Files." Although these files could not be separated into individual topics, staff often photocopied pages pertaining to a specific subject and placed copies in the appropriate file. The Education and Labor Committee: Education Files were received as two separate series: Congressman Fawell's files and staff files. An alphabetical arrangement scheme already in use by the office was improved, and the two series were merged. The provenance of the collection was maintained through the folder title entry "-HWF" or "-Staff" to indicate whether the individual file was used or annotated by Congressman Fawell or by one (or many) of his staff members.
- 1985 - 1998
1 Folder
Language of Materials
From the Record Group: English
Repository Details
Part of the Harris W. Fawell Congressional Papers Repository
North Central College
Oesterle Library
320 S. School Street
Naperville IL 60540 USA